February 10, 2015

How to Keep Our Social Sites Privacy..........

Social networking websites privacy 

If we  go long long time ago before :
Google +
Instant Messenger 
Internet Browsers 
Personal Computers
Post letters
Wall writing
Wall writing on the wall is the very old trend. In today's life on social 

Do you know this thing?

networking websites are "we like to connect" with the more more peoples. If you are so conscious to post on the social networking websites, then you must need to know average users create 90 piece
s of contents per month, if they have 100 friends and they sends then all 100 will know what you are dong.
We like to tweet on social networking website
52% peoples log in updates their status everyday
We like to view
40% people are concerned about misuse of personal information's,  when these are online.
40% users post their full date of birth on social sites, So we have to think
Are we aware of the risks? of using social networking websites?
In this article we are going to look social media and privacy, so the aim of this article is little bit about what privacy means specially Facebook, how you can change setting how you can monitor your account and little bit about looking on your online reputation. Don't forget to follow this golden rules

Don't publish what you don't want to other's to know

First thing don't post any thing on the internet that you would't want to show other's. If you are young person with a massive career ahead and if you are very energetic on social media you have to be serious about the future, don't put this on the internet know the future employs who's says , because the moment that's why employs do and you, say that you got the great and your experience as like young but the thing is if take i want to the internet and find some pictures or some posts which you post on 6 years ago, that could effect your future, so be very aware about what you don't want to publish.
Second and may be very importantly there is no such thing as true privecy on the web means, if you share information with other's, they can also choose to make it public. You have no opportunity to control. They can do anything unless you short that control issue, when you setup the platforms or the tools which you using in social networking websites. On the other way some Tweeter and Facebook you have lots of ability to fet it know, you can ask questions, tick lots of boxes which means people cannot take your information further.
If you are a parents and you are  posting nice photographs. You just want to post that post your family photos to see, please insure that your children don't click those photographs and  share them further at there own networks, think always what you should post or what you not.

What the social websites knows about you?


All people always have a public name on any social platform. This helps your friends and family to find you, now if you are uncomfortable for sharing your real name you can either change that to surname or you can deactivate or delete your account but your public name will be always available for other people to find.

Profile picture  

Profile picture helps your friends and family to recognize you. If you are uncomfortable to making your profile picture public , you can delete it by hovering over you photo and clicking picture or whatever, but it will good if you are going to use social sharing to have your unpictured  up, because you identified with you as human being and people want to interact with you, specially when you are in business you want people to know who you are. The business comes second and you find the better more about social media marketing as we get through this article.


This heps you to see whom you will be sharing information with before you choose "friends and networks" on Facebook a custom audience. If you are uncomfortable for making your network public you can leave the network.If you want to join the other people network, be aware your information can be forwarded by them. On facebook you also have user name and user id as you well known, and these allow you to give a costume link to your profie or page, receave email to your email address, people can contact you.

Status and picture setting 

As the general rules don't assume, if you don't see any icon to share a picture that would not be shared. some platform do not offers you that ability. so must always assume the worst when you put something on the web is going to be shared wether it is or not thats does n't matter but if you could over is assume that it will be good. Your default setting in you mind is always public. If it is not that that will be better for you.
In the Facebook and tweeter what else to be share?
We share our status?
We share our photographs?
We share our comments?
We share our likes?
We share our friends?
In the security settings for the tweeter and Facebook you can say
I don't want those share and i don't want that shared.

Who can access your information? 

For this we can say on Facebook you are able to determine who can see your stuff on Facebook, and the down here at the screen you see this is all being shared with just friend. It can always be shared if you know with friends of friends etc.
always remember there if you are using any apps such as Tweeter to link in your Facebook , Instagram to link in your Facebook. You can remove all the information without necessarily removing the apps.

What does your profile look like other's?

Put as your profile look like to others, this is the example which i found from the internet which showing your friends,it showing your latest post and at top scroll across bar, It showing the photographs which you taken and other apps which you are using.It always worst looking like at your timeline, no once again may once in week just review what is safe. if you got any embarrassing, occurred and the other moments which you want to forget you can delete.
Most remember this always at the social media, if you do consume alcohol or any other thing which is like not to post don't tweet when under the effect.        
Do you know the privacy policies?, because sometimes the policy changes and the users not to be informed. People faults if they put something private which is reveled could be make your life stress full.


I don't read and trust the privacy policy, i think the policy is not good enough, we have to be very careful when we with the post on social networking websites. Privacy policy of social networks, social network can sell your information to third parties, can you think of any marketing company that would pass on such valuable information's.
On the response of several complaints Facebook makes some changes on its policy, provide more accurate information about the disclosure of users data and on the other side Tweeter joined G mail with a decision to implement HTTP functionality be defaults to encrypt data and protect privacy.
So the users what they should do?

What Should Never Do On The Social Media

Never post any sensitive information on social networking websites.
Understand private policies and terms which social media you are using.
Always remember which information we are posting on the internet is permanent. If you are getting any contact on our social site first verify that contact.
Always secure your profile and be limited on your exposure always and be aware about 3rd party applications. Don't mix business with pleasure.



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